Karasch – Additional Information/ FAQs

If we have an existing contract with you, how do we switch to the new agreement?

Contact your Client Manager, and we will update our system internally.

Describe the conformance of your online portal/website with Section 508 or WCAG 2.1.

We have accessibility enabled for website and portal.

What is your payment process?

We accept credit card, PCards, purchase orders, and checks. Ask for payment within 30 days, but can negotiate for sooner payments. Contact: Finance Dept. #800.621.5689 x113, accountrec@karasch.com

How do we set up accounts – both centralized and decentralized?

We set up the students internally through our portal – first, last name, and email address is required. We walk through the portal with the student so they understand how everything works.

Our portal houses the transcriptions from the courses were captioned until the close of the semester.

How do we schedule work for live captioning?

You will have a designation account manager. Joe Alberici will be your Client Manager. jalberici@karasch.com

Which video-conference platforms do you integrate with (i.e. Zoom, Teams, etc.)?

Zoom, Teams, Adobe, Falcon, WebEx, Vimeo, Blackboard, and BlueJeans. If there is not a captioning enabled within a platform, we provide a link to StreamText to view captions.

Can a student schedule their own captioning session?

Only with pre-authorization.

How do we upload/download files?

Files are uploaded 24hours after captioning has ended. Files stay up all semester long.

How long are files kept on your servers?

At the end of each semester, our team goes in and archives the files. Archives are kept 5 years.

Are the captionists/transcriptionists who will be working with this agreement, located in the US?

The majority are located in the US. Some are international for the international languages.

Describe your support for additional languages

The most common is Spanish. We do offer all languages. German, French, Latin, and Spanish. Greek being the next tier.

It may take a bit longer to find a captionist for certain languages. All captions are provided by human captioner.

Do you have a process for corrections?

Our live captionists work at 98% accuracy and then go back and clean up the transcript after the session is complete.

How can your team be contacted for technical and administrative support for the services you are providing through this agreement?

You can always contact the account manager. For emergencies and after business hours, you text or call our support number 484-889-6031, 24hrs/7 days a week.

How can persons with disabilities who use your services contact you for support?

Text or communicating within the chat of the platform they are using. We step in and help with the issue. They can also text or call our support number 484-889-6031, 24hrs/7 days a week.