Ohio State Univ. implements Aira Access app to help blind students navigate COVID signage on campus…
The Aira Access app, which Ohio State started offering in August, accesses a user’s phone camera, location and area satellite information to allow an agent to guide a blind or visually impaired person through campus. Learn more about Ohio State’s Aira Access service on the Lantern.
Zoom’s latest accessibility update allows you to pin and spotlight multiple videos during calls…
This latest accessibility update is very beneficial for individuals with hearing loss who require sign language interpreters to communicate effectively during a web conferencing session. Learn more about Zoom’s latest accessibility update on the VERGE .
Congratulations to our new VHEAP Chair, Lori Kressin (UVA), and Chair Elect, Mark Nichols (VT)! We are very excited about the initiatives that this organization will take under your leadership in the coming years.
Lori Kressin, VHEAP Chair
Lori is the Coordinator of Academic Accessibility (COAA) at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA. The COAA works with multiple departments and units across the UVA to ensure accessibility for all to the academic experience at UVA, in particular members of the University community with disabilities.
Mark Nichols, VHEAP Chair-Elect
Mark is the Senior Director of Universal Design and Accessible Technologies at Virginia Tech University (VT) in Blacksburg, VA. The mission of Universal Design and Accessible Technologies is to promote the use of teaching and learning strategies, communications practices, technologies, and technology standards that enable everyone in the VT university community, regardless of disability status, to learn and work.